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Reproductive Rights
Toolkit 2023

By Wisp
July 23, 2023

Abortion Access

Abortion Access Fund: A nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to individuals seeking abortions, particularly those who face barriers due to financial constraints.

Website: https://abortionaccessfund.org/

SIECUS: Sex Ed For Social Change: A national organization that advocates for comprehensive sexuality education, reproductive health, and rights.

Website: https://www.siecus.org/

Plan C: An online resource that provides information on self-managed abortion and access to safe and effective abortion pills.

Website: https://www.plancpills.org/

RHAP (Reproductive Health Access Project): An organization that trains and supports healthcare providers to integrate reproductive healthcare, including abortion, into their practices.

Website: https://www.reproductiveaccess.org/

NYBCAP (New York Abortion Access Fund): A volunteer-run organization that helps people in New York access abortion services by providing financial assistance and support.

Website: https://www.nyaaf.org/

Planned Parenthood: A well-known reproductive health organization that offers a wide range of reproductive healthcare services, including abortion, across the United States.

Website: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/

All* Above All: A campaign that advocates for lifting restrictions on abortion coverage and ensuring that everyone can access the abortion care they need.

Website: https://allaboveall.org/

National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health: An organization that focuses on advancing reproductive health and rights for Latinas in the United States.

Website: https://www.latinainstitute.org/

M+A Hotline (The National Network of Abortion Funds): A network of organizations that provide financial assistance to people seeking abortion care, particularly those who cannot afford it.

Website: https://abortionfunds.org/

RHITES centers equity to bridge gaps in telehealth for reproductive health care through advancements in policy and partnerships.

Website: https://www.rhites.org/

Women's March: A movement that advocates for various social and political issues, including reproductive rights and gender equality.

Website: https://womensmarch.com/

National Network of Abortion Funds: A network of organizations that provide financial and logistical support to individuals seeking abortions, particularly those who face financial barriers.

Website: https://abortionfunds.org/

Center for Reproductive Rights: An international organization that uses legal advocacy and litigation to advance reproductive rights and ensure access to safe and legal abortion.

Website: https://reproductiverights.org/

NARAL Pro-Choice America: A nonprofit organization that works to protect and expand reproductive freedom, including access to abortion, through advocacy, organizing, and electoral engagement.

Website: https://www.prochoiceamerica.org/

Guttmacher Institute: A research and policy organization that provides evidence-based research on reproductive health, including abortion, to inform public policy and improve access to care.

Website: https://www.guttmacher.org/

SisterSong: A women of color reproductive justice collective that advocates for the human rights and reproductive autonomy of marginalized communities.

Website: https://www.sistersong.net/

Diversifying our political landscape

Run For Something: An organization that supports and recruits young progressive individuals to run for office at the state and local levels.

Website: https://www.runforsomething.net/

The Campaign School at Yale: A non-partisan organization that offers campaign training programs to individuals interested in running for public office or working on campaigns.

Website: https://www.thecampaignschoolatyale.org/

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union): A national organization that works to defend and preserve individual rights and liberties, including those related to voting and political participation.

Website: https://www.aclu.org/

Ignite National: A nonprofit organization that empowers young women to become politically engaged, run for office, and pursue leadership positions.

Website: https://ignitenational.org/

Emily's List: An organization that supports pro-choice Democratic women candidates for public office and helps them build successful campaigns.

Website: https://www.emilyslist.org/

She Should Run: A nonpartisan organization that aims to increase the number of women running for elected office through providing resources, support, and inspiration.

Website: https://www.sheshouldrun.org/

National Women's Law Center: An organization that advocates for gender justice and equality through legal and policy advocacy, educational programs, and public awareness campaigns.

Website: https://nwlc.org/

American Association of University Women (AAUW): A nonprofit organization that promotes equity and education for women and girls, including advocacy for policies that advance women's rights.

Website: https://www.aauw.org/

National Women's Political Caucus: A multi-partisan organization that works to increase women's representation in elected and appointed positions in government.

Website: https://www.nwpc.org/

Time's Up Legal Defense Fund: A fund that provides legal support and resources to individuals who have experienced sexual harassment, assault, or related retaliation in the workplace.

Website: https://timesupfoundation.org/

Legal Momentum: A nonprofit organization that advocates for the rights of women and girls, particularly in the areas of economic justice, education, and violence against women.

Website: https://www.legalmomentum.org/

People For the American Way (PFAW) is a progressive advocacy organization that works to defend and promote constitutional values, including freedom of speech, religious liberty, and equal rights.

Website: https://www.pfaw.org/

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