What Should You Know About Chlamydia?
By Lizzie De La Cruz
September 27, 2024
Sex. Lots of us are spending time thinking about it, doing it, or chasing it. With all that physical contact going on, it’s only natural that germs like chlamydia have evolved to come along for the ride and cause us problems. With 4 million chlamydia infections in 2018 alone, it’s one of the most common STIs in the US. And since it’s so common, it’s time we get rid of some chlamydia stereotypes and misinformation!
First off, compared to other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), chlamydia is relatively mild to deal with. It’s easily treated with chlamydia medications, which typically consist of a short round of antibiotics. So, now that you know you can get rid of chlamydia without too much trouble, let’s get into the details!
What is Chlamydia?
Chlamydia is a disease that is transmitted through oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse, and it can be spread even without ejaculation. Chlamydia is caused by a bacterial infection, not a virus. That means you have to treat this infection with antibiotic chlamydia medications. These antibiotics will clear up symptoms relatively quickly and get you feeling back to your best.
Chlamydia can affect anyone but can be especially harmful to women, as it can cause serious harm to your internal reproductive organs if left untreated. This is especially problematic since chlamydia can be asymptomatic! That means either you or your partners can have chlamydia without knowing it. Even if you have treated a previous infection with chlamydia medications, you can still get chlamydia again in the future. So, it’s super duper important to test for chlamydia regularly if you have unprotected sex or sex with multiple partners.
Psst: Wondering how to test for chlamydia at home? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out our at-home gonorrhea and chlamydia tests to keep you and your partners safe and healthy.
Some of Chlamydia’s Harmful Effects
All STIs can come with harmful symptoms, especially when they’re left untreated. That’s why testing early and often is so important! Most people can take chlamydia medications and get over this infection without much harm, but chlamydia can cause more serious problems than the acute symptoms if it goes untreated.
Antibiotic chlamydia medications can be used to treat symptoms for folks of all genders. But, symptoms can vary from person to person! Pay attention to any bothersome changes you experience and, when in doubt, test it out.
Symptoms of chlamydia in men include:
- Penile discharge
- Burning during urination
- Pain and swelling of the testicles in rare cases
Symptoms of chlamydia in women include:
- Vaginal discharge
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Pain during sex
Chlamydia medications are especially important for women and other people with vaginas, who have a heightened risk of developing health problems due to chlamydia. That’s because chlamydia can spread to the rest of the reproductive tract over time when left untreated. This can cause abdominal pain, pelvic inflammatory disease, fertility issues, painful ectopic pregnancies, or passage of the infection to the fetus. This is why it’s extra important for women to test regularly–so you know when you have an infection and can get treatment as soon as possible.
STIs might not always come with symptoms, which means they can go unnoticed and spread easily. On top of that, some STIs show similar symptoms and are hard to tell apart! Gonorrhea and chlamydia are often confused with each other. Testing regularly for both gonorrhea and chlamydia will help you know what STI you’re dealing with and how to get the right treatment.
How Do You Test For Chlamydia?
If you suspect you’ve been recently exposed to chlamydia, or think you already have it, take a test as soon as you can. There are a few different options for how to test for chlamydia:
- At-home chlamydia test: It’s officially possible to test for STIs without leaving your home! To do so, you order your test kit online and take the test by providing either a urine sample, a genital swab, or a blood sample from a finger prick. The method depends on the test you choose and which STIs you’re testing for. Then, you mail your test kit and sample to a lab for analysis. Results are typically available a few days after the lab receives your sample and you can consult with a clinician for next steps.
- In-office chlamydia test: If you prefer testing at the doctor’s office, make an appointment as soon as you can! The provider will administer a simple test using a urine sample or a cotton swab sample from the vagina. These are tested in a lab and if the result is positive, your provider will place you on a course of one of a few possible chlamydia medications.
If you test positive for chlamydia, you should test again three months after your treatment to make sure you’re in the clear. Regular STI testing is your best bet to keep you and your partners safe.
How Long Will I Test Positive for Chlamydia After Treatment?
Chlamydia medications can be prescribed as a single dose with a seven-day abstinence or as a seven-day course of daily treatment. Don’t have sex during these seven days and, as always, make sure you take your medication as prescribed! Wisp offers online prescriptions for chlamydia medications. You’ll be connected with a medical provider who will confirm your symptoms and answer any questions you have before prescribing treatment or referring you for an STI screening.
When taken correctly, chlamydia medications can completely cure a bout of chlamydia. But, you might remain positive for up to four weeks after treatment and should definitely use condoms during this time to avoid reinfection. Your doctor may also offer treatment to your partner to ensure they are also chlamydia-free and that you do not become re-infected.

3 Panel STD Test
Get fast, convenient STD testing for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Trichomoniasis.
Get Started
At-Home Vaginal Microbiome Screen by Daye
Understand your vaginal microbiome balance and risk of infections using a non-invasive at-home tampon collection kit.
Get StartedIs it Possible to Prevent Chlamydia?
If you’ve just had unprotected sex and are worried you’ve been exposed to gonorrhea and chlamydia, we have good news: a prophylactic antibiotic for STI prevention exists! DoxyPEP is an antibiotic that can reduce your risk of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis when taken within 72 hours (three days) of unprotected sex.
Even with DoxyPEP on your side, the only way to 100% protect yourself from chlamydia is to abstain from sex altogether (and we mean completely — no oral, anal, or vaginal sex). But, latex condoms are highly effective at preventing transmission and practicing monogamy with a tested, trusted partner will greatly reduce your risk. Even though chlamydia medications are easy to take, preventative measures will still ensure you won’t infect someone else.
Prescriptions for Chlamydia Medications Online
In case you don’t have access to a family doctor, or if you are feeling a little too shy to talk to someone about an STI, confidential online services are available through Wisp. We can connect you with healthcare providers without the hassle of a waiting room so you can test for chlamydia and get the treatment you need quickly, easily, and conveniently.