Beat the Yeast Bundle
Prescription antifungal treatment and natural prevention options to combat any yeast infection.
Make sure Yeast doesn't stand a chance this summer. Heat, humidity, alcohol, and travel stress can all make vaginal infections more likely, but you can stop uncomfortable itching and discharge in its tracks with our Beat the Yeast Bundle.
FSA & HSA accepted.
Beat the Yeast Bundle
What is a Yeast Infection?
A yeast infection occurs when you experience a disruption to your vaginal microbiome that allows Yeast (usually Candida albicans) to begin growing out of control. Sex, your menstrual cycle, or antibiotics can be common triggers and lead to uncomfortable itching and white, chunky discharge. If you're experiencing these symptoms, you already know you don't want to wait to find out how long a yeast infection lasts without treatment. OTC yeast infection treatments can be effective, but if you find yourself dealing with recurrent yeast infections, you may need a prescription yeast infection treatment pill, like Fluconazole. Antifungals are prescription strength yeast infection medicine that treat the infection from the inside out. You don't need health insurance to treat a yeast infection online—plus, we can send you over the counter yeast infection meds to prevent recurrence.
Yeast Infection Symptoms
- Itching and soreness around the vaginal opening
- Red, swollen or sore vaginal tissues
- Discharge that is watery, white & clumpy
- Pain when you pee
- Pain during sex
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Yeast infections, often stubborn, necessitate antifungal medication for full symptom resolution. Our treatment is effective rapidly, with symptoms beginning to improve within 24 hours.