A woman with brown hair wearing a white tank top is applying cream to a cold sore on her lip

How Can I Quickly Get
Rid of a Cold Sore?

By Lizzie De La Cruz
April 29, 2022

Known for painful, oozing blisters, cold sores can affect almost anyone. Cold sores are typically caused by the HSV-1 virus, commonly known as herpes. While there are currently no cures for this virus, many medications are available to help heal and prevent cold sore outbreaks.

Who Gets Cold Sores?

The HSV-1 virus is very common—most people are exposed as young children receiving kisses from loving relatives. Cold sores can occur in people of all ages, from young children to the elderly. Because it is transmitted via skin-to-skin contact, cold sores can spread easily through a close group of people—anyone from people who share sexual partners to affectionate family members who share a kiss!

Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus, making antiviral medications for cold sores the most effective against them. Along with cold sores, the virus may also cause symptoms such as fever, aches and swelling. Though the severity of symptoms varies for each person, even mild symptoms cause discomfort and should be treated as soon as possible to reduce the chance of spreading the virus.

While the initial HSV-1 infection may not manifest cold sores, the virus lies dormant until triggered. Possible triggers of cold sores can include feverish illnesses, hormonal changes, weather, and emotional or physical stress.

Available Medications for Cold Sores

There are many medications for cold sores to help reduce the symptoms of the virus, though they cannot cure it. Acyclovir is an antiviral medication that comes in the form of pills or creams. It works by stopping the replication of the cold sore virus and speeding up the healing process of cold sores to reduce the discomfort they cause and reduce the spread of the virus. Valacyclovir is another form of medication that works in the same fashion as acyclovir.

Lysine, one of the nine necessary amino acids, also helps reduce the effect of cold sores and decrease the likelihood of a cold sore outbreak. It works by inhibiting the production of another amino acid that is essential for the reproduction of the HSV-1 virus. Other natural herbal medications for cold sores are also available to help reduce the effects and discomfort caused by the herpes virus.

Get Cold Sore Medication Online

Bottle of Valacyclovir to treat oral and genital herpes outbreaks on a red surface, on a pink background

Valacyclovir & Acyclovir For HSV-1

Get hassle-free, judgement-free herpes treatment from the comfort of your couch (no pants required).

Starting at $45.00

Get Started
Bottle of Acyclovir cream to treat oral and genital herpes on a pink background and red surface

Acyclovir Cream (HSV-1)

Experience relief from cold sore symptoms with our prescription antiviral cream that not only alleviates discomfort but also accelerates the healing process.

Starting at $30.00

Get Started
Bottle of AV Defender, bottle of acyclovir cream, and bottle of valacyclovir tablets to treat and prevent oral and genital herpes outbreaks on a red surface, on a pink background

Cold Sore Trio

Prescription antiviral pills and cream are paired with over-the-counter All-Natural Herbals to prevent & treat outbreaks.

Starting at $45.00

Get Started
Wisp Cover Up! Hydrocolloid Patches on a red surface with a pink background

Cover Up! Hydrocolloid Patches

Cover Up! Hydrocolloid Patches help protect and speed healing of cold sores, herpes outbreaks, pimples, and other skin damage.

Starting at $18.00

Get Started

Delivery to your door

Finding the time to go see a licensed medical provider when experiencing cold sore symptoms can be difficult. Even if you can book an appointment that meets your schedule, you still have to take the time to fill your prescription at your local pharmacy.

Here at Wisp, we help you save time waiting for an appointment and trekking to an in-person medical provider office. No more explaining your symptoms to different people over and over. Connect with a licensed medical provider right from the comfort of home and find the right medications for cold sores to treat your symptoms. Once you’ve found the proper medication, we can send the prescription to your local pharmacy for pick up, or have it delivered free right to your door.

When dealing with Wisp, you can be sure to receive quality service. We work to get you the medications that you need as soon as possible, freeing you from your symptoms to continue with your daily life in comfort. Do yourself a favor and find the proper medications for cold sores that will speed up your healing process and relieve your discomfort.

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