Bottle of BV antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis on a pink background and red surface
Bottle of BV antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis on a pink background and red surface
Chart comparing Yeast Infections to BV with a colorful product image in the background
5-Star Customer Review for BV Treatment with product illustrations on a blue background
5-Star Customer Review for BV Treatment with pill cutouts on a pink background
Nude woman holding jar of BV antibiotics

Clindamycin (Cleocin)

Reviews Trustpilot

Show BV who's boss with fast-acting BV treatment

Say bye bye to vaginal odor! Get rid of a BV infection fast with FDA-approved antibiotic treatment. Clear uncomfortable symptoms like itching, burning, and that tell-tale BV smell to prevent chronic BV and risk of STIs. Clindamycin is reserved for those that have Metronidazole allergies. Finally clear the most uncomfortable symptoms of BV, like itching and burning.

Please note, there is a black box warning on this antibiotic due to the risk for Clostridium difficile that can require hospitalization for complications. For this reason we are updating our clinical protocols to only offer this treatment with specific medication allergies to optimize patient safety.

Clindamycin For BV

Like bad weather, BV is unavoidable sometimes. Thankfully Bacterial Vaginosis is easy to treat and to prevent with over-the-counter remedies like Boric Acid. Left untreated, BV is not "dangerous," however it does cause vaginal inflammation that can make it easier to get an STI from unprotected sex. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when there’s an imbalance of “good” and “harmful” bacteria in the vagina. BV antibiotics fight off the bad guys and help your body restore balance.

Read more about BV

Clindamycin Treats

  • Strong fishy smell
  • Burning sensation
  • Itching around vagina
  • White or gray discharge
  • Pain, itching, or burning in the vagina

Medication Details

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BV Treatment FAQ

Your Provider


If not treated, bacterial vaginosis (BV) not only results in discomfort and odor but also triggers inflammation, increasing the susceptibility to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Dr. Suneer Chander, MD

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