An opened pill capsule with powder spilling out on a light green surface

Supplements for Menopause and
Healthy Aging

By Simona Byler
October 2, 2024

For some, menopause and its symptoms come in hot and fast. For others, it takes its time and lingers for years. But, whichever way menopause arrives, we’re all going to go through it eventually! We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: there are wayyy too many of us entering menopause each year to allow this stage of life to be a miserable, symptom-filled bummer.

Whether you’re facing hot flashes, weight gain, skin changes, or low energy, the right supplements and lifestyle choices can make this transition easier to manage–and we’re here to help you figure out the right option for you. So, in the name of aging enjoyably, let’s discuss the best vitamins for women over 50, powerhouse supplements for menopause, and important daily habits that can keep you healthy and happy for years to come.

What vitamin helps crepey skin?

Try as we might to avoid it, our skin naturally loses its elasticity and fullness as we age. This loss of elasticity leads to that thin, wrinkled texture that you might refer to as “crepey skin.” Lower levels of estrogen during perimenopause and menopause impact your skin in a few different ways, including developing crepey skin, dryness, wrinkles, and even making wounds heal more slowly (1).

There’s nothing we can do about the natural causes of skin aging–your skin will age just like the rest of the body. But, you can take preventative action against external causes of crepey skin! Fight these external causes, also called free radicals, with the following prevention strategies:

  • Avoid long-term sun exposure
  • Wear SPF
  • Avoid cigarettes
  • Get enough sleep
  • Eat a healthy diet

Besides these lifestyle choices, a few different vitamins can help support healthy skin by combating free radicals with antioxidants. Supplements for menopause-related skin changes include (2, 3):

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that plays an important role in collagen production, helping to keep the skin firm and bright. Add vitamin C to your routine by eating foods like citrus fruits and peppers, taking a daily vitamin C supplement, or looking for skincare products containing ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E is another antioxidant that promotes skin hydration and works well when paired with vitamin C. You can take a vitamin E supplement or eat foods rich in vitamin E including vegetable oils, corn, and soy.
  • Vitamin A: Synthetic versions of vitamin A like retinol and tretinoin help smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a more radiant glow. Retinol is mild and available over the counter, while the tretinoin in our Firm Up! Wrinkle Cream is stronger and gives your skin a youthful refresh by making skin cells turnover more quickly.
  • Collagen: Collagen isn’t a vitamin, but it’s certainly worth a mention! Hydrolyzed collagen can help restore your skin’s elasticity and reduce any crepey appearance caused by age and sun exposure.

What is the best supplement for menopause?

First things first, everyone’s experience with menopause is different. That means that the best menopausal supplement can vary from person to person as well! Hormone therapy is still the first-line treatment for most symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, palpitations, and vaginal dryness. But, if you’re looking for some common natural supplements for menopause, healthy aging–and aging with intimacy–here are a few options to consider:

  • NAD+ (Tru Niagen): Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an organic molecule that helps your body on a cellular level in all kinds of important ways. Namely, NAD+ supports your metabolism, muscle health, brain and heart health, immune function, and cellular resilience. Your NAD+ levels can decrease by 50 percent from age 40 to 60, and taking an NAD+ supplement helps your cells stay healthy as you age (4).
  • Black cohosh: Black cohosh is a widely-studied botanical that has been used to treat hot flashes and night sweats, improve sleep, and help with depression in menopausal women. But, how it works still isn’t totally understood (5).
  • Vitamin D: Menopausal women are particularly at risk of becoming vitamin D deficient because of diet, body composition, and age. And, vitamin D deficiency is linked to hot flashes and night sweats, bladder problems, vaginal dryness, and osteoporosis (6). So, it’s pretty clear that vitamin D is one of the best vitamins for women over 50–and should stay stocked in your medicine cabinet!
  • Magnesium: One study has shown that taking a magnesium supplement alongside vitamin D improved outcomes in menopausal women (7). Magnesium also helps with relaxation, stress, and sleep, all of which menopause can disrupt.
  • Libido supplements: Menopause can have a major impact on your sex life, but taking a proven, science-backed libido supplement can help you keep your fire burning. Wisp Lift for Her is packed with energy-boosting ingredients that are shown to enhance sexual desire and arousal.

Firm Up! Wrinkle Firming Cream on a red surface, on a pink background

Firm Up! Wrinkle Cream | Tretinoin (.04%)

Tretinoin 0.04%, Azelaic Acid 5%, Niacinamide 4% Prescription treatment for wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging.

Starting at $75.00

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A blue Tru Niagen pill bottle on a red surface with a pink background

Tru Niagen® Pro 300mg

Promote cellular energy production and give overall wellness a boost with this patented NAD+ supplement.


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Wisp Lift Libido Supplements for Her on a red shelf with a pink background

Wisp Lift For Her

Daily libido supplements for women to give your sex drive a boost.

Starting at $66.00

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Wisp Non-Hormonal Vaginal Moisturizer tube and applicator on a red surface with a pink background

Non-Hormonal Vaginal Moisturizer

Hormone-free moisture for all life stages, including breastfeeding, postpartum, and menopause.

Starting at $60.00

Get Started

How much NAD+ should I take?

As we mentioned, NAD+ is a powerful coenzyme with incredible full-body benefits. Incorporating an NAD+ supplement into your daily routine will help support your metabolism, energy levels, muscle repair, cognition, and heart health. So, if you’re ready to start feeling these benefits, it’s important to know how much NAD+ to take!

When you’re just starting to add an NAD+ supplement to your routine, it’s recommended to take 300 mg daily. This dosage can increase your NAD+ levels by up to 50 percent in just two weeks! Depending on how you feel, you can then up your dosage to keep increasing your body’s levels of NAD+. It’s safe to consume 2,000 mg of Tru Niagen NAD+ per day.

What is the best natural hormone replacement for menopause?

During menopause, your estrogen levels drop and start causing all kinds of frustrating symptoms. A front-line treatment for this transition is hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which works by replacing the estrogen and progesterone your system is used to having at higher levels. But, HRT isn’t recommended in certain cases and many women are looking for hormone-free options to relieve their menopausal symptoms.

Natural supplements for menopause include:

  • Maca root powder: Maca acts similarly to estrogen in the body and can increase your energy, boost your libido, and improve your mood! It has also been shown to help with hot flashes, night sweats, and other menopausal symptoms (8,9).
  • Fenugreek: Fenugreek is a seed that can increase your estrogen and testosterone levels, which help increase your sex drive and arousal. Besides that, fenugreek can reduce hot flashes and night sweats and increase vaginal lubrication (10, 11).
  • Korean ginseng: Korean ginseng has estrogen-like properties that can help reduce menopausal symptoms and improve sexual function (12).
  • Dong quai: Often called “female ginseng,” dong quai is an herb that has been used to help hormonal imbalance and treat hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms (13).

What helps with menopause?

We consider ourselves lucky to live in a world where HRT, vaginal moisturizers, vitamins, and supplements exist to help us through the years of menopausal symptoms. But, besides these powerful additions to your medicine cabinet, habits and lifestyle choices can definitely help with symptoms and healthy aging! These habits include:

  • Getting regular exercise
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Staying hydrated
  • Managing stress

So, whether you’re dealing with crepey skin, hot flashes, low libido, or fatigue, know that you’re not alone! With the best supplements for menopause like vitamins, herbal remedies, and NAD+ all at our disposal, there’s never been a better time to start getting older. And if you ever need support along this wild journey of life, the doctors and products here at Wisp are here to help.

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