How Does Menopause
Affect Sex?
By Kathleen Morrison
October 18, 2024
World Menopause Day is October 18! This day is an opportunity to raise awareness about the very real impact this condition has on people around the world. Despite affecting about half of the world’s population, menopause isn’t talked about as much as it should be and most of us only know about it from jokes about aging and hot flashes. It’s time to change that! We all get older, so let’s talk about menopause symptoms, how they can affect you and your sex life, and what you can do about it.
What is menopause?
Officially, menopause is a point in time 12 consecutive months after your last period when your ovaries are no longer producing estrogen or releasing eggs. Perimenopause (the time leading up to menopause) may last 8-10 years, although most people only begin to experience signs of perimenopause in the last few years of this stage as their estrogen production slows down. And when does menopause start? Well, perimenopause often begins in your 40s and the average age of the onset of menopause is 51.
How do I know if I’m experiencing menopause?
Women go through a lot of hormonal changes during their lifetime, and menopause is definitely one of the biggest. That’s why it’s totally natural to wonder if you’re experiencing early signs of menopause, are in the throws of perimenopause, or just feeling a bit off. Estrogen is used in various processes throughout the body so low estrogen levels during menopause can affect your health in big (and small) ways. Everyone is different, but there are some very common menopause symptoms you can look out for.
- Irregular or different periods: Your periods may be shorter or longer, closer together or further apart, heavier or lighter than normal, or all of the above! Period changes are often the first signs of menopause, but you can still become pregnant during this time.
- Hot flashes: A hot flash is a sudden feeling of heat in the upper part or all of your body that sometimes leads to flushing in the neck and face or red blotches on your body. Heavy sweating and cold shivering can follow and they can sometimes be strong enough to wake you up (called night sweats). Over 80 percent of menopausal women have hot flashes and they can happen several times an hour, a few times a day, or just once or twice a week.
- Vaginal dryness: 50-70 percent of postmenopausal women experience some degree of dryness, painful sex, or bladder issues due to low levels of estrogen. Luckily, dryness is treatable! More on this below.
- Bladder control: Yep, hormonal changes can affect your bladder too, and you may become more prone to UTIs, along with experiencing incontinence.
- Mood changes: You already know hormones affect your mood (hello, PMS). Menopause can also make you moodier or more irritable.
- Your body may look different: Your waist could get larger. You could lose muscle and gain fat. Your skin could become thinner. Your joints and muscles could feel stiff and achy. All of this is normal and common and part of transitioning into a new life stage.
All these menopause symptoms may feel overwhelming, but it’s not all doom and gloom, and it’s certainly not the end of your sex life. Treatment options like hormone replacement therapy and vaginal estrogen creams are here to help you keep feeling like yourself!

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Get StartedHow does menopause affect my vagina?
After menopause, the drop in your body’s estrogen affects vaginal tissue, leading to thinner vaginal skin and increased dryness. Besides that, it raises your vaginal pH and causes you to lose the good bacteria in your vaginal microbiome. These changes contribute to the increased risk of UTIs mentioned above and can lead to sex that is more painful or uncomfortable.
All together, these symptoms are called the genitourinary symptoms of menopause. They’re common, treatable, and not talked about enough! Vaginal dryness and thinning won’t disappear on its own, but either Estradiol Vaginal Cream or a non-hormonal vaginal moisturizer can majorly improve your vaginal skin thickness and elasticity–and help keep sex enjoyable.
Will I still want to have sex after menopause?
Maybe, or maybe not! Everyone experiences menopause differently, but these hormonal changes can definitely affect your libido. You may be less interested, or you could feel freer and sexier since you don’t have to worry about pregnancy. If you do find you’re interested in pursuing sex, but vaginal pain and dryness are standing in your way, there are plenty of ways to address that.
- Vaginal moisturizer: Take care of dryness and thinning skin with topical estrogen cream or a non-hormonal option. When treated properly, these common menopause symptoms won’t get in the way of your sex life!
- Lube, lube, lube: You know we’re a broken record about it! Adding lube during sex helps everyone, including those of us experiencing menopause. This simple solution adds moisture and lubrication back to the vagina to decrease friction and make sex less painful and more pleasurable.
- Orgasm help: During the menopausal transition, blood flow to the vagina and clitoris decreases. If you usually need clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm, the resulting decrease in sensitivity can make orgasm more difficult to achieve and make the experience of sex frustrating. A prescription cream like Wisp’s OMG! Cream includes the same prescription ingredient as Viagra to increase blood flow instantly and make orgasm easier and more satisfying.
- Urinary support: With menopausal women being at higher risk for UTIs, preventing UTIs (especially those caused by sex) is extra important. You can support your urinary tract health naturally with daily supplements and cleanses to keep bacteria from taking hold in your system. Incorporate them into your routine, and be sure to pee after sex every time!
- Add some romance: Sex is as much a mental game as a physical one. Menopause can be stressful and difficult to navigate, and these concerns may weigh on your mind when you’re getting hot and heavy. Switching up the mood with music, a warm bath, and a sexy movie, or asking your partner to fulfill a fantasy or give you a massage can go a long way towards making you feel sexier in your skin. And if that doesn’t cut it, libido supplements can help. 😉
Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to go through menopause. You may find that your interest in sex has disappeared, and that you’re fine with it—that’s great! You can spend your newfound time learning a new skill or planning your next vacation. If you are feeling a bit of a hole in your life, however, there’s plenty you can do to feel more like yourself again.
What do I need to know about having sex with menopause?
Time to go back to sex ed! You may not have to worry about pregnancy anymore, but STIs are still very real! Did you know that the rate of STIs in adults over 55 has doubled in recent years? We love that so many of us are still living fulfilling sex lives as older adults, but it’s more important than ever to use protection during this time. Your immune system isn’t as powerful as it used to be and lowered immunity makes it easier for infections to take hold and cause complications. So use condoms every time!
All in all, menopause symptoms like vaginal dryness and changes in libido are common, but they don’t have to stop your sex life in its tracks. Reach out to a provider here at Wisp to discuss your treatment options for menopause, then get ready to enjoy this new stage of life.
We’re celebrating World Menopause Day on social! Check us out @hellowisp on IG and Tiktok!